DPS Thursday Talk ‘Prepping Images For Printing’, presented by Steve Crozier | 360 DPI Printing


We are delighted to bring you an evening of ‘Prepping Images For Printing’, presented by Steve Crozier

Steve Crozier runs and owns 360 DPI, one of Irelands top printing and framing studios. Steve has been involved with image presentation for over 20 years. He has printed and framed some of Irelands most prestigious exhibitions. He has produced very small intimate exhibitions, to large scale pieces on show in some of Irelands best museums, along with work on display in some of Irelands top hotels and company buildings.

Time: 7pm
Date: May 16th 2019
Venue: The Carmelite Centre, 56 Aungier Street, Dublin 2

Steve works with some of Irelands best selling photographers producing work for sale to both collectors and some of Irelands biggest companies. As a founding member of Offshoot Photographic society, Steve is actively involved in the camera club photography scene.

R.S.V.P by emailing info@dublinphotographyschool.ie to secure your place
Please book early as places are limited & will fill up fast


DPS Thursday Talk ‘The Wonders of the Night Sky’, presented by Ian Carruthers.

astro photography courses ireland

We are delighted to bring you an evening of Astro Photography,
‘The Wonders of the Night Sky’, presented by Ian Carruthers.

Ian has a BSc in Mathematical science and has had a strong passion for photography since 2012. His main areas of interest being landscape, severe weather and astrophotography. He has been to America to study/chase severe storms including tornadoes, to the Isle of Skye to experience its stunning landscape, Iceland for the aurora borealis and to Tenerife to witness  the night sky in a prime dark location.

Time: 7pm
Date: January 10th 2019
Venue: The Carmelite Centre, 56 Aungier Street, Dublin 2

Ian has had work featured in various forms of media including books, exhibitions and more recently got to tick off a long-time goal of his in which he won featured image of the month in BBC’s Sky At Night Magazine. He strives to get people interested in the outdoors and more especially, the night sky. Check out some of Ian’s photography on Instagram, @irishskies or over on his Facebook page, Ian Carruthers Photography

R.S.V.P by emailing info@dublinphotographyschool.ie to secure your place
Please book early as places are limited & will fill up fast

A BIG SUCCESS – DPS Thursday Talk ‘Getting More From Your Tavel Photography ’


The December 6th Thursday Talk at DPS HQ was a full house with over 70 people in attendance. This talk was co-hosted by DPS’s own Stewart Kenny and Steven Maybury with fascinating insights into their unique approach to travel photography, the night was a fantastic success and we would like to thank all who attended. See you back at the school again very soon.

photography holidays from ireland


We are delighted to bring you an evening of Travel Photography, ‘Using Travel Photography As A Means of Exploration’, presented by DPS tutors & travel photography guides, Stewart Kenny & Steven Maybury. While on location, Stewart & Steven combine two passions, photography & travel, which helps them to have unforgettable experiences & produce stunning imagery. During this instructive talk, they will explain their approach to travel photography & how they use the camera as a tool of communication, exploration & engagement. You will come away with new travel photography concepts to think about.

Time: 7pm
Date: December 6th 2018
Venue: The Carmelite Centre, 56 Aungier Street, Dublin 2

A full range of all upcoming 2019 photography holidays will be showcased on the evening

Stewart & Steven are both experienced travel photographers & have lead numerous TDactive Holidays & Travel Department photography tours. Their recent adventures include India, Morocco, Romania, Montenegro & Iceland.  Both are extensively travelled & have been exhibited both nationally & internationally

R.S.V.P by emailing info@dublinphotographyschool.ie to secure your place
Please book early as places are limited & will fill up fast

DPS Thursday Talk presented by Stewart Kenny – ‘An Introduction To Film Photography’


Dublin Photography School are delighted to invite you to an evening presented by Stewart Kenny – ‘An Introduction To Film Photography’

film photography courses dublin Have you ever wanted to try your hand at film photography but didn’t know where to start? Does it all seem a little too bewildering ? Let us introduce you to film photography. Throughout the evening, Stewart will introduce you to the different types of film, process and cameras, as well as fun and the creative practices of Lofi- photography and Lomography.

Time: 7.30pm
Date: February 8th 2018
Venue: The Carmelite Centre, 56 Aungier Street, Dublin 2.


Stewart has exhibited both nationally and internationally. He has a huge passion for photography and loves nothing more than to teach others how to achieve the perfect image. He is the head of training at Dublin Photography School and gives talks and seminars about various genres of photography around Ireland. You can visit his website at www.stewartkennyphotography.com

R.S.V.P by emailing info@dublinphotographyschool.ie to secure your  place
Please book early as places are limited & it will fill up fast

Picking The Right Photography Course For You

beginners photography course guide ireland

You have a brand new camera, your memory card is empty, your battery is full, and you are burning with enthusiasm and ready to get to grips with all that photography has to offer. You might start by checking out a few YouTube videos, reading a few books and after a couple of blurry shots too many,  you decide to bite the bullet and take up a photography course. So where to start?

Our photography courses, workshops and masterclasses are broken down into the following categories:

beginners photography courses dublin

4-5-7 Week  Photography Courses

These are short photography courses that take place on a week night at DPS HQ in Dublin City Centre. These evening courses are designed to get you up to speed, not just with your camera but with the principals of photography. They cover everything from complete basics, to more advanced concepts. They are ideal for beginners and form the back bone of any future learning in photography. They do this by helping you get the basics in place, by dispelling myths, by busting jargon, and getting you comfortable with your camera. Our aim is to combine classroom based camera and photography techniques, with at least two classes out on location where you will apply what you have learned in theory. As we say here at Dublin Photography School, “you can’t learn to drive just by reading the rules of the road”.

Level: Complete beginners, experienced novices, self taught photographers looking to formalise their photography knowledge and photographers returning after a long break.

Course Frequency : Depending on the time of the year we can have up to 4 start dates a month depending on demand.

Equipment Needed: DSLR Camera, Mirrorless Camera, Tripod, Remote Control.

See Evening Photography Course List Here

1 Day Photography Courses

Our one day photography courses are aimed at anyone looking to make a quick start or for someone who cannot commit to an evening or part time course due to their own commitments. These courses tend to be similar to the 5-7 week courses but with out the on location shoots, however in line with our ethos, we still provide a practical element later in the day.

Level: Complete beginners, experienced novices, self taught photographers looking to formalise their photography knowledge and photographers returning after a long break.

Course Frequency : Depending on the course anywhere from 3 times per month to twice per year.

Equipment Needed: DSLR Camera, Mirrorless Camera

See 1 Day Photography Course List Here

1 Day Photography Workshops

Photography workshops slightly differ from photography courses, in that they tend to be a little shorter in duration. The can run anywhere from 4.5-6.5 hours depending on the workshop. The subject matter tends to be a little more specific to particular types of photography e.g. flash or studio photography, black and white photography, street photography, smartphone photography, travel photography, macro photography and wedding photography.

Level:  Experienced novices, self taught photographers looking to formalise their photography knowledge, photographers returning after a long break and students after completing a 1 day or 7 week course.

Workshop Frequency : This is workshop dependent.

Equipment Needed: This is workshop dependent.

See Photography Workshops List Here

Photography Masterclasses

A photography masterclass is an intensive short class 3-4 hours long that solely focuses on a single topic of photography, from Composition and Lighting to Semiotics and Visual Metaphor.  These classes tend to more lecture based with more of a focus on refining work, showing samples of how, when and where to use techniques, as well as identifying and refining work already produced.

Level: Experienced novices, xxperienced photographers, camera club members, students after completing a 1 day or 7 week course with DPS. All levels above beginner.

Class Frequency : There are 4 masterclasses scheduled for 2020.

Equipment Needed: DSLR Camera, Mirrorless Camera,

See Photography Masterclass List Here

Photography Location Shoots

Photography shoots are a great opportunity to get out and about with the camera and meet other photographers. They are about a social and peer group as much about learning new practical photography techniques. Each of our Photography Shoots has a different theme or techniques depending on the location or time of year and can take the form of a photo walk or Meet up that will visit several locations or be just confined to two or three spots depending on the location and techniques.

Level: All Levels

Location Shoot Frequency : Depending on the time of year we can have location shoots or location workshops happening up to twice a month (depending on demand).

Equipment Needed: DSLR Camera, Mirrorless Camera, various.

See Location Shoot List Here

Photography Excursions

Photography Excursions tend to be day trips or overnight stays in various locations around Ireland, and are all practical based outings. Some examples of the excursions and photography day trips we have run in the past are Copper Coast (Waterford), Hook Head (Wexford), Kilfane Glen and Waterfall,(Kilkenny) and  White Coast, Co Antrim to name a few.

Level: All Levels

Excursion Frequency : Photography day trips and excursions tend to run 1-2 times per year.

Equipment Needed: DSLR Camera, Mirrorless Camera, Tripod, Remote Control.

See Excursion List Here

iceland photography tour

Photography Holiday

In 2013 we teamed up with Travel Department & TDactive to bring you a series of photography holidays to some of the most stunning photographic locations in the world. These 3-5 Day trips are designed for all levels and are an outdoor classroom that bring you to handpicked locations by the DPS team and show you how to get picture perfect images that you would see in any travel book or brochure. Its a great experience with photographers of all levels catered for, thanks to the fact that there are 2 DPS trainers on every holiday allowing us to focus on all levels from COMPLETE beginners to ADVANCED veterans. The DPS crew pride themselves on creating a warm, fun and inclusive atmosphere where photographers of all levels can flourish and take advantage of the outdoor classroom. With Destinations including Romania, Italy, Croatia, Iceland, Morocco and India, There is something for everyone.

Level: All Levels

Course Frequency : We run up to 5 photography holidays a year depending on demand and locations available.

Equipment Needed: DSLR Camera, Mirrorless Camera, Tripod, Remote Control.

See Photography Holiday List Here

Photography Talks

DPS run a series of FREE photography lectures during the year called “Thursday Talks” With a mix of in house and guest speakers on a wide variety of subjects in and around photography. These talks have proven to be very popular over the years and tend to be a full house everytime.

Level: All Levels

Photography Talk Frequency : Up To 4 Times Per Year

Equipment Needed: None

Keep an eye on our photography Blog here or DPS  Facebook Group Page Here for upcoming Talks in 2018.

Online Photography Courses

At Present Dublin Photography School do not run any online photography courses. We feel that photography is a hands on practical subject that requires a “look and feel” approach to learning. The art of photography has always been more than just dry technical specs, no matter how import technics are in photography, they are just one important thread in a very rich tapestry of learning  photography. With that said DPS has plans for an “Online Campus” that will supplement the classroom based learning process and not replace it.

Keep an eye on our photography Blog here for upcoming future developments.

Mirrorless Camera Courses Dublin – With Dublin Photography School

Mirrorless camera photography courses ireland With recent upsurge in popularity of Mirrorless cameras with brands like Olympus, Fuji, Sony, Canon & Nikon all producing various Mirror-less Cameras models that are taking the photography world by storm. Dublin Photography School are delighted to announce that we have been on trend the last 18 months and that our staff and trainers have been fully trained and up to date on the latest mirror less cameras. while Mirrorless cameras work in principal nearly identically to DSLR cameras and are interchangeable, there are several areas such as camera lag, focus times, print size, aspect ratio, battery life, EVF etc, that require a slight modification of technique to get the most out of your camera. The entire crew here in DPS have been working and traveling with Mirror less cameras from all brands and companies for the last year making sure we are on point with the latest technologies and everything that this exciting innovation have to offer.

Our 7 Week Beginners Photography Course, 5 Week Follow On Photography Course and 1 Day Beginners Photography Course have all been modified to cater for Mirrorless users and cover all camera brands. While still being geared toward photography principals that will allow our students to use any given camera from, camera phones and compacts to DSLR and Mirrorless technology.

If your interested in learning more about Mirrorless cameras, why not check out Dublin Photography School Snapshot; Which has it the first half of the Podcast dedicated to mirrorless cameras.


DPS Camera Guide – Picking The Right Camera For Your Needs

best camera for photography courses in dublin

Buying your first camera or even upgrading to a new one  for that matter can be a bit of a mine field. This is not helped by going online to have a quick look aT options, only to be absolutely frazzled by the amount of jargon, abbreviations, techno-babble, brand fan-boys and add an healthy dose of pixel-philes, and the whole experience will leave your head spinning. Here at DPS we have decided to put together a simple list to different guides that help you put together the best camera for your needs. We have decided to leave aside brand (most brands are created equal and generally it comes down to preference) and focus on the main camera “types”, starting at the very bottom and working up in terms of functions and features.


Smartphone (Camera Phone)

smartphone courses ireland

You won’t need too much of an introduction to smartphones, chances are, you are reading this on one right now.  So, is the camera on your phone any good? The short answer is…YES! but LIMITED! Many a seasoned photographer dimisses the camera phone as a toy, however for many this is their first introduction to the world of photography. While the iPhone, Android  or Windows smartphones are fantastic for learning and practicing composition, most photographers will quickly outgrow them and find them very limiting after a while. This is where most people will decide to upgrade or buy their first “Real” camera. In saying that, if you want to get more out of your smartphone photography have a look at our Smartphone Workshop Here.

Pros: Small, mobile, always on your person & lots of editing apps.

Cons: Limited functions, limited accessories & it is a feature of your phone, rather than the main purpose.


Compact Camera

mirrorless camera course ireland

With the rise of the smartphone, the compact camera is fast becoming an endangered species. The big brands like Canon, Nikon, Sony and Olympus are producing fewer units and models each year. With most Smartphones being able to match them in terms of quality and functions in all but the most advanced compact models.

Pros: Compact, Mobile, Multiple in-camera functions, better battery than smartphones, dedicated memory card so no competing for space on phone & price

Cons: Not much improvement on Smartphone, carrying extra item & although it has more functions than a smartphone, it is still very limited.


Bridge Camera

sony camera courses ireland

With the demise of the compact camera, most camera manufacturers have diverted the resources that they once poured into compact cameras into Bridge cameras. So what is a Bridge Camera?  To put it simply, it is  a compact camera on steroids! These cameras are a massive step up from a compact and smartphone camera, however a step down from a DSLR (we will get to that!) These cameras have a lot of the mobility of a compact camera, with some of the power of a DSLR……almost as if it was a “BRIDGE” between the two.  While bridge cameras are fine for most enthusiasts starting out, and even taking a photography course, (as most bridge cameras have manual modes and settings), they will eventually outgrow them, it will take slightly longer than if they had a phone or compact camera, but in our experience in DPS we find most students who complete our basic courses will often look to upgrade from a bridge as soon as they can.

Pros: Compact(ish), lots of features, manual modes, suited to  more “serious” photography &  price.

Cons: Limited aperture range, lens is fixed and cannot be upgraded, limited ISO range & shutter lag( slow to take picture when button is pressed).



camera courses ireland

DSLR is an abbreviation for ‘Digital Single Lens Reflex’, in short, this means the camera does not suffer from any noticeable shutter lag. What is Shutter Lag? If using a phone, compact or bridge camera, when you press the button to take a picture, there is a delay between when you press the the button and when the camera actually takes the shot, this is known as shutter lag and can be very noticeable on some cameras and phones and may lead to missing the shot. DSLR cameras come with interchangeable lenses, meaning the lens on the camera can be taken off and switched with another one. This can be used to improve the cameras performance and the type of images the cameras will produce. DLSR cameras are often considered to be of Pro & Semi Pro standards, and although by no means is this accepted by all, they are the staple of enthusiasts and professionals alike. We recommend these and mirrorless cameras (don’t worry we will get to that too) for most of our Photography Courses and Photography Workshops.

Pros: Full of functions and features, sturdy, high image quality, interchangeable lenses, accessories, good low light performance & no shutter lag.

Cons: Bulky, can be expensive & requires semi regular cleaning.


Mirrorless Cameras (DPS RECOMMENDED)

olympus mirrorless camera Ireland

These are often called four third cameras, but this is a bit of a misnomer these days……when these cameras where first introduced about 10 years ago, they were dismissed as a fad by a lot of photographers and at the time the technology just wasn’t up to snuff. However in recent years there has been major innovations from (for example) Fuji and Olympus in this area and they have not only come into their own, but have massively excelled. These cameras have all the power of DSLR’s but are about half the size and weight, making them super compact. However, because of the absence of the “lens reflex” the LR part in a DSLR, these cameras suffer from noticeable shutter lag, while not as bad as a phone, compact or bridge, it still isn’t as good as a DSLR, but is improving all the time. These cameras are also hard on battery life and have reduced image quality, however we feel that for travel and street photography they are unmatched. Check out our DPS Snapshot Photography Podcast, on the rise of the Mirror less camera here.

Pros: Compact, full of functions and features, sturdy,  interchangeable lenses, accessories & good low light performance.

Cons: Shutter lag, can be expensive & often only medium image quality.


Full Frame DSLR

canon photography courses ireland

If you are just starting out in photography…forget it! Get the techniques right first, then get the technology. If you are thinking about going full frame from a DSLR, remember that everything gets bigger – the price tag on lenses, camera bodies, filters, processing power and so on. You need to do your homework if you are considering purchasing one. Your current accessories may not be compatible with your new full frame camera. Pay particular attention to your lenses as they may not be compatible. If your reaching this point in your photography, then for most it is a milestone, as most “serious photographers” will eventually move to full frame. With  photography and the whole photographic industry changing so rapidly this may not be the case in a few years time. If you plan to work professionally or semi professional then this may be the upgrade you need, depending on the genre you are working in.


Pros: Professional functions and features, sturdy, high image quality, interchangeable lenses, accessories, good low light performance & no shutter lag.

Cons: Bulky,  expensive, require regular cleaning & not backwards compatible.


Check Out Some Of Our Beginners Photography Courses

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