DPS 1 Year Membership
Dublin Photography School membership will entitle you to attend any 7 week level 1 evening courses (level 1 and level 2), 1 day course, 1 day workshop, all online interactive classes, and any outdoor classroom that takes place at the school within a 12 month period.
Who is the DPS Membership Aimed At?
Are you looking to take your photography from a hobby/interest to a more advanced level? The DPS 1 Year Membership will allow you to shoot while learning, as you cover all levels (from a beginner to an advanced shooter) and learn many different styles and geners of photography.
List of our current courses/workshops and online classes available to you:
- 7 week photography course: Level 1 (includes 2 field trips)
- 7 week photography course: Level 2 (includes 2 field trips)
- 1 day photography course: Level 1
- 1 day studio course
- Flash workshop
- Creative Content Smartphone Workshop
- Street workshop
- 4 week online level 1 photography course
- 4 week online level 2 photography course
- All Outdoor Classes
- All 90 minute online interactive sessions
Terms & Conditions Apply:
If a student is unable to attend a course, workshop or online class, a minimum of 24 hours notice is required, so that another student can take the slot. An unattended (without notice) course, workshop or online class will be counted as attended (special circumstance will be considered and we will do our best to accommodate you onto another booking at a later date), so your place will be lost on that particular course, workshop or online class (meaning you cannot resit it).
You will receive a unique membership number and your membership will last for 12 months, which will begin on the day that you make the purchase. If you book one of our courses that starts within your membership year, but goes into the next year, this is no problem and is acceptable. Your membership cannot be used to purchase any product or stock from the online shop. The terms & conditions are subject to change, this does not affect your statutory rights.
The membership DOES NOT include any location workshops, overnight stays, location shoots, excursions or offsite courses (e.g. DSLR Video location course).